Our ServIces


Project Development

The purpose of Real Estate Project Development; It is important that real estate investments, which constitute an important part of economic investments, are designed and implemented in a way that will enable them to be evaluated within the framework of the economic interests of both the investor and the country.

Acon GYO (REIT) conducts a pre-feasibility study with its expert team in line with the demands of its customers for the real estate projects it is interested in, and prepares projects with meticulous work by adding value from itself. With the acceptance of the project, the preliminary contract is clarified, the process and conditions are summarized and signed. After the necessary permission and official procedures, production starts.

Acon GYO (REIT) is closely involved with the project from the beginning to the end of the process. It does not compromise on quality and standards. It follows the latest technologies and uses them. It prioritizes customer satisfaction. It provides project completion and after-sales guarantee and fulfills its commitments on time.

Our main purpose in this service is to ensure that the project is completed in the best quality, with the best budget and in the most reasonable time, by using the Time, Budget and Quality resources in the most efficient way.

The success of Project Management is the percentage of overlap between the targets foreseen at the beginning of the work and the Time, Budget and Quality realized at the end of the work.

Architectural, Engineering and Design Services


Architectural Design​

Our teams, which develop architectural projects in the most suitable way for the needs of the project to be developed, have signed many distinguished international designs.


Design Principles and Determination of Needs

The main principles in the design of the project to be made, starting from the architectural site plan, settlement, main mass, if there is more than one mass, the relations between these masses, functions and the architectural needs required for them are determined.


Determining the Design Teams

The architectural teams that will design the project and the consultants (if any) who will provide special services in business, management, marketing, etc., are selected for these teams. It is submitted to the approval of the investor, and in line with the decisions taken, business contracts are made with these teams and an organizational chart is made.


Planning of Architectural Functions and Preliminary Projects

The project is handled as a whole, the functions of each department and their relationship with each other are examined, and the teams that will draw the architectural, mechanical and electrical preliminary projects are worked on. Here, the compliance of the projects with the design principles, cost, quality and production time is also inspected.


Interior Architecture Material Selections

The interior architectural concept is determined, architectural, electrical and mechanical material types suitable for this concept are selected, listed and submitted to the approval of the Project Investor. The lists approved by the investor are finalized and become the basis for the implementation project.


Application Projects Drawing

After the preliminary projects approved by the investor are approved by the relevant municipalities and relevant institutions, the organization and follow-up of the architectural and interior architectural application projects, static, mechanical and electrical application projects are drawn by the relevant teams.


Construction License and Legal Permits Consultancy

A report is prepared and presented to the investor, describing all the legal procedures required until the construction permit and occupancy certificate acquisition stage. Consultancy services are also provided to the investor for the follow-up of the transactions upon request.


Engineering Services

Acon Design and Management Company has undertaken a series of projects in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, Turkey and Gulf Countries.

Acon Design has expert staff and teams in the fields of architectural design and interior architecture, visual 3D design, engineering services, topography services, official procedures, implementation and site inspections.


Other Services

  • 3D Design and Animation
  • Preparation of feasibility reports
  • Quantity list
  • Countryside
  • Control and supervision
  • Topography and mapping


Are you going to invest in the real estate sector but don’t know where to start?
Your first consultation is free with us!